How to setup Jekyll on Ubuntu/Raspberry Pi

March 13, 2017

This is the installation guide for Jekyll on Ubuntu/Raspberry Pi. Normally there won’t be any problem to install on Ubuntu but installation for Raspberry Pi is a little tricky due to SSL certificate issue.

1. Install Ruby and gems

First we will install Ruby.

$ sudo apt-get install ruby-full

2. Update Rubygems

Ruby uses gem as package manager. We should get the lastest version of it.

$ sudo gem update --system

:memo: You can check your Rubygems version by gem --version

2.1 Update Rubygems manually (If you have SSL certificate problem)

Download the Rubygems. You can get the latest version from here and more info about SSL issue here.

$ wget --no-check-certificate
$ sudo gem install rubygems-update-2.6.10.gem
$ sudo gem sources --remove
$ sudo gem sources -a
$ sudo update_rubygems
$ sudo gem update --system

3. Install Dependency Packages

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
$ sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev

4. Install Jekyll

Now we start installing as Jekyll gem. More info from here.

$ sudo gem install jekyll

5. Install bundler gem

This is also a gem but it manages others gems. More info from here.

$ sudo gem install bundler

6. Setup Jekyll

$ cd ~
$ mkdir JekyllWorkSpace
$ cd JekyllWorkSpace
$ jekyll new myblog
$ cd myblog
$ bundle install

:exclamation: If you have again SSL certificate problem while you type in sudo bundle install, change source "" to source "" in Gemfile which is located in newly crated myblog folder.

7. Run server

Now it’s time to see the real action.

$ bundle exec jekyll serve

Now type this http://localhost:4000 into any browser address. You should see a home page.

:memo: You can run with the specific port (eg. port 4010) by running this bundle exec jekyll serve --port 4010 if port 4000 is in use.