Sending Messages Across the Network With Producer and Consumer Using Kafka and Zookeeper

May 15, 2017

In this tutorial, we will send messages across the network instead of using a local machine. We will use Python language to send messages. So make sure we have two machines or virtual machines to play with.


Please follow my tutorial post here to install Kafka and Zookeeper. This is applicable for both Raspberry Pi or any Linux system. Once Kafka and Zookeeper are installed, please make sure the topic hello-kafka is created. We will use this topic again.

Network Configuration

Name Installed Services IP Address
PC1 Zookeeper and Kafka
PC2 Producer and Consumer

Here Name in the table is just for the sake of convenience and we will only use it to refer to a PC. There is no config for Name actually. So according to the table, PC1 will be installed with Zookeeper and Kafka and Python programs (Producer and Consumer) will be run from PC2. The IP address of PC1 is important and it will be used for sending messages using that IP address.

Kafka Config

We will modify at PC1.

$ sudo nano /usr/local/kafka/config/

Then add this line.


Install kafka-python

We just install by

$ pip install kafka-python


We will create a producer

$ cd ~/
$ mkdir kafka_ws
$ cd kafka_ws
$ nano

Then we add these lines and save it.

from kafka import KafkaProducer
producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='')
for _ in range(100):
     producer.send('hello-kafka', b'Sending messages using Python')

Note: In this line bootstrap_servers='', it is PC1ā€™sā€™ IP address and port which we already configured at Kafka server.

Note: In this line producer.send('hello-kafka', b'Sending messages using Python'), hello-kafka is the topic and Sending messages using Python is the message.


We will create a consumer as well.

$ cd ~/kafka_ws
$ nano

Then add these lines and save it.

from kafka import KafkaConsumer

consumer = KafkaConsumer('hello-kafka', bootstrap_servers='')
for msg in consumer:

Sending message

We start the consumer first.

$ python 

Now, the consumer will wait for the message from the publisher.

Now we run the producer at another terminal.

$ python

You will receive this kind of messages at consumer terminal.

ConsumerRecord(topic=u'hello-kafka', partition=0, offset=1999, timestamp=1494736810704L, timestamp_type=0, key=None, value='Sending messages using Python', checksum=-849613570, serialized_key_size=-1, serialized_value_size=29)

Note: Depending on Python (2 or 3) that you had, you need to use $ python3 <> or $ python <>