Install Golang on Ubuntu using Snap

December 28, 2021

This is a short tutorial to install Golang on Ubuntu using Snap.


In this tutorial, we will first install Golang on Ubuntu using Snap. Then we will test our setup using a simple program.


  1. Ubuntu
  2. Snap


Let’s install Golang first.

sudo snap install go –classic 

Once the installation is done, we can check the installation with the following command.

go version 

You will see something like this on your terminal go version go1.17.5 linux/amd64


In order to install other libraries and to keep track of your dependencies, you need to create a mod file. First, let’s create a project folder.

mkdir MyGoProject
cd MyGoProject

Inside the folder, just run the following command on the terminal. Here, we are creating MyFirstProject as a module. For better module naming, you can follow this link from Golang Website.

go mod init MyFirstProject

This will create a go.mod file inside the folder. If you open it, you will see your module name as MyFirstProject.


Let’s write our first hello world program. Inside the same folder, create a file name called main.go and paste the following code.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, World!")

After you save the file, run the following command.

go run main.go

You will see our hello world message as Hello, World!

Side Note: If you are using vscode to edit, make sure you add the following setting in your vscode. Refer to this link for more info.

   "go.alternateTools": { 
        "go": "/snap/go/current/bin/go" 


  1. Tutorial: Get started with Go